Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday Remembrance

156. A quiet morning in my house so I can write down these thanks.
157. Time.
158. My sister's organization.
159. My brother's friendship.
160. The way my dad shows care and concern.
161. My mom's wisdom.
162. Freedom to worship Jesus.
163. A healthy church.
164. The honest conversations in our new small group. A safe place to share and discuss our faith questions.
165. A date with Hallie to see Annie this weekend. Sharing sweet, special moments with her.
166. The kiss my husband gave me last night when I got home in the midst of bed time routines and after a great, but busy day. Connecting, if even for one second.
167. New friends.
168. Old friends...Emily's phone call brought me such joy!
169. The first snowfall. It is beautiful. Reminds me of God's creativity and his love of beauty.
170. That I was born for this time and brought to live in this place. That I have the blessing of knowing God's love and His heart through the example of Christ and the indwelling of the Spirit (The OT Israelites did not have that).

I'm looking forward to this day at home and with my family. I hope you are too!