Thursday, June 9, 2011

When you see the finish line...

...1,000 recorded gifts is in sight. It's not too far away. I know the Lord wants me to finish this race, but when the finish line is in sight Satan's attack ramps up! I know from God's Word in Philippines 3:12-14 that God desires that we press on in our spiritual disciplines and press on to finish what he has started in us. That tells me that Satan would want the exact opposite. He wants us to fail and give up. He wants us to lapse back into old habits and ways of living.

That is the way I have felt lately. I press on to memorize scripture or give thanks in all things and Satan whispers...what's the use, you know you will fail again, what good will it do you anyway...

So, today I will start my thanks again to defy the evil one and bring glory to my loving, heavenly Father...

876. Scriptures promises, promptings and encouragement
877. Smiling when I see my family
878. Lunch with Ryan
879. My daughter's intensity before her first swimming race
880. My daughter's beaming smile when she finished.
881. The hope of Colossians 1:17 "He is before all things and in Him all things hold together."
882. The joy that fills my heart and brings a smile to my face when I write out my thanks.
883. Grandparents that come to swim meets and ball games and babysit our kids.
884. Running in the mornings
885. Talking and swinging on the front porch swing when the kids go to bed.
886. Flowers blooming. How they come back to life with a big drink of water.
887. Zac's quote of the day. "Mom, if you were ever a harmonica teacher and lost all of your harmonicas and needed a little green one, I would be happy to share mine with you."
888. Jacob sleeping soundly at night with doggy and beary wrapped in his 6 (almost 7) year old arms.
889. The kids joy at Vacation Bible School!
890. My job. Talking slowly and intentionly. Making people feel validated and listened to.

Lord, thank you for instructing us to give thanks and how it blesses us!


Beth said...

I love that verse in Colossians. :) I'm so thankful that it never said "Beth holds all things together"...something I have to remind myself of often.