Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Today I am grateful for the extravagant abundance that God pours out to me and family every day.

#8 Reading God's Word at my kitchen table as my children still slumber sweetly.
Being refreshed and challenged by quiet moments with Him. Reading without fear that I might be imprisoned or killed for my faith.

#9 Clean, cold or hot water in seemingly endless supply pouring out of a faucet in my home. So many live without this luxury.

#10 A solid home with a roof that does not leak, beds and rooms for all my children and me, space to be with others or space to be alone.

#11 A safe neighborhood where my children can play away from trash and disease.

#12 A closet filled with shoes to protect my feet. Not only one pair but many, and they fit!

#13 A pantry filled with food. My family has never been hungry for days, or even a day.

#14 Fresh, clean air to breath.

Lord, I pray that I would never become so accustomed to this abundance that I would grumble about it not being enough or take it for granted.


Carey and Norman said...

Wow, I had some catching up to do after my blogger break. Your posts are so true in that we often overlook our abundances and gifts! Glad Hallie's surgery went well and I enjoyed the photo from the ballgame!