Sunday, April 18, 2010


Every day this week Jacob asked me, "Mommy, is today Saturday?" Why? Because Saturday was his first baseball game of the season. This kid loves baseball! He has been a fan of the sport since he was two and this will be his first season playing on a real field, with real baseball attire, coaches pitching and a team name, the Crieghton Bluejays. So the day finally arrived and he couldn't wait to get there! Once the game started he was so serious and focused (not his usual behavior). I couldn't even get him to crack a smile for the camera when he was in his catcher gear. But, when he got back to the dugout after playing catcher he looked at his friend and said, "Trevor, did you see me out there? That was awesome, baby! Oh yeah!"

I was so proud of his determination and focus during the game and I am excited to see how God will use sports in his life to grow his character. What a great kid!!

I was pretty excited for him so I took lots of pictures! See below...