Sunday, September 26, 2010

Birthday Thanks

I am 35 years old today and what a glorious day it has been!

Thank you Lord...

486. For choosing to create me. You knew I would fail you and still you chose me and allowed me to be born 35 years ago.

487. For pursuing me in my youth. For making salvation available to me and guiding me by your Holy Spirit.

488. That I was born into a loving family, with parents that are supportive and committed to one another and to their children. That I was given in-laws that have adopted me in as one of their own. So much love and support!!

489. That I was born in the United States. A country with freedom and opportunity and abundance.

490. For kisses on my forehead this morning from my husband as he whispered, "Happy Birthday" while we snuggled in bed.

491. For homemade birthday cards from all the kids. Jake made his tonight and yelled from the other room where he was creating, "Mommy, how do you spell love?"

492. The perfectly perfect weather today. The crisp, fall air.

493. A bike ride with my family.

494. A new bible that fits in my purse. The security of always having God's written Word close at hand.

495. Watching Hallie take Zac around the block on roller blades. She held him, encouraged him, pulled him and cheered him on the whole time.

496. Zac's perseverance. He made it around the block without any complaint and lots of falls. I love his "never give up" attitude.

497. Phone calls, FB posts, texts, letters and cards from friends and family. My heart overflows when I am remembered by so many loving people.

498. Inspiration from the Spirit on ways to draw closer to Him this year.

499. Peace in my home. Lord, you are here. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Sher said...

So glad you had a good day! You came up in a conversation I had last week with a mutual friend. She was mentioning how sweet you have been to her and how much she has appreciated that!! :-)

Carrie said...

Happy happy birthday Katie!!!