Monday, March 28, 2011

All Grace...

786. Middle of the night snuggles with my sweet boy, Jacob.

787. Pizza and Movie Night with our bestest friends!
788. Clean countertops.
789. The smell of brownies.
790. Anticipating my mom coming for a visit. I just love her so much.
791. The kids excitement about Cousins Camp.
792. A challenge to my heart from Sunday's service.
793. Singing praise songs.
794. Hallie's belting, singing voice.
795. The kids playing piano for their great Aunt.
796. A phone call from Ryan mid-day.
797. Hannah's tender heart.
798. The kids enjoying math problems before school.
799. Getting my hair wet and really playing withe kids at the pool.
800. Reciting God's Word.


Carrie said...

Great list - I love how you recognize even small things like clean counters!!