Monday, March 14, 2011

Thanks for today...

743. Looking down at my little foot next to his bigger foot.

744. Fingertips rubbing my back.
745. Fingers interlaced as we pray together.
746. Being like-minded.
747. Corporate Worship.
748. Getting to know my 97 year old Aunt.
749. Kids comfortable with the elderly.
750. Talking for 3 hours with old friends.
751. Hallie teaching her brothers a lesson on how to share God's love.
752. Sunshine in the backyard.
753. The kids marveling at ants.
754. Restful sleep.
755. Vacuumed carpet.
756. Swimming with my kids.
757. Jacob's boisterous laugh.
758. Laundry to fold...I said it and I mean it!
759. Ryan shopping...I asked for potatoes and he bought two! ~Smile~
760. We drove all the way to the Children's Museum and it was closed. The kids did not complain at all!
761. Scripture memory. The Lord empowering me to hide it in my heart.
762. Knowing I am loved by God, my husband, my parents...always and forever no matter what.
763. Homemade pizza with friends.
764. Wanting to submit to, respect and honor my husband.
765. Singing karaoke with Hallie and Jacob.
766. The boys found sleeping together in the same sleeping bag.
767. The boys both saying about the other, "He is my best friend."
768. Scotcheroos. Mmmm.
769. The kids anticipating Cousins Camp in Kearney every day! (it's two weeks away)
770. Seeing our church grow. God moving in our midst.