Friday, February 5, 2010

Answered Prayer

So last week was a challenge, but in one short week God has blessed me with peace in the midst of uncertainty and I am so very grateful. I don't want to miss the opportunity to write about answered prayer so here goes.

As I wrote last week I was burdened. I was feeling betrayed and deceived. I did not know what to do or how to respond so I took my concern to the Lord. In one short week he answered my prayers through wise counsel from trusted Christ followers, sermons I heard but most importantly he answered me directly from His Word. How can I deny that God speaks to me when he guides me to just the right scripture. Oh, that He cares enough about my situation when there are hurting, lonely, starving needy people in Haiti and around the world. That he would care enough to see me and hear me gives me a glimpse into His power and His love. He is so good!

So, where did he take me. He took me to the Beatitudes and reminded me to have mercy and compassion on those that sin because they are hurting people. He reminded me in Matthew 5:13 that I am called to be salt and light. If I do not stand for truth when it is difficult then what good is really in me. He reminded me that I am not to cast a stone of judgment on anyone, because I too am not without sin. He also guided me to Psalm 26 and 27...exactly what I needed to hear.

The point...

God was so faithful to guide me down a righteous path, even when my feet faltered and started to get off track. The end result was that I was able to lovingly confront and speak truth and now I don't feel like I am carrying the weight of the burden any longer. Thank you Lord!

To top it all off my husband surprised me kind words, a warm hug and these...

"I am confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13


Carrie said...

Glad you are feeling better!!