Saturday, March 20, 2010

Daily Choices

Lately, God has been speaking to me about choices. The day to day choices. The small decisions that are shaping me, my marriage, my kids, my faith. I listened to a song as I ran today and it's lyrics rang true with all the the Lord is teaching me...'s your life, what you gonna do? The world is watching you. Every day the choices you make, so who you are and what your heart beats for. It's an open door. It's your life.

Ryan and I have been watching adults around us on a slippery slope away from Christ based on small, what would seem, insignificant decisions. It is eye opening and has caused me to be more intentional about my day to day moments with Ryan, my kids, friends, family and co-workers.

Ryan and I got our our globe (yes, we have a globe for kids) and discovered that if you start off in Tokyo and want to get to L.A. if you are off course by five degrees you will end up in Equador. At first those steps away from God's perfect plan for us may not seem that significant, but they are sure to land us far from God down the road. I have to be intentional about speaking truth to others in love, putting laundry away cheerfully, encouraging my kids, connecting with my husband, calling a friend or family member, not putting great kids' activities before family time and God, eating healthy, choosing excercise, going to sleep on time so I wake up rested and ready to be a blessing to others...

Where do I want to be in 5, 10, 15 years (Lord willing)? I want to be more like Christ. That doesn't just happen. It is intentional and depends on submitting to him all day long. The best part is that when I submit, day in and day out, when I put the needs of others before my own, when I obey His commands, life is better. Life is more fulfilling. Life is full of joy and contentment despite my circumstances.

Daily choices matter.


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your life with others. I also wanted to say thanks for putting our blog on yours. I have a lot of people reading our blog because of you. So great talking with you yesterday.