Thursday, August 20, 2009

Strong and Courageous

This month our family memory verse is Joshua 1:6 "Be strong and courageous!" The kids loved it when I told them the story of Joshua entering the Promise Land and God telling him over and over to be strong and courageous.

This month I have been trying to make the verse stick. Not just in their memories, but stick to their hearts. God has provided lots of opportunities to encourage each of the kids when I catch them being strong and courageous.

Yesterday Hallie had two teeth extracted to make room for her big teeth coming in. We had talked at home about the possibility of pulling teeth and what to expect. We talked about the benefits of having the extraction and how what the doctor would do to diminish any pain. She soaked up all this information, but a new experience (especially if it involves the possibility of pain) still can create some anxiety.

Well, let me tell you how strong and courageous my little girl was! She walked in confidently to the dentist, sat down in the chair, listened carefully to the nurse and let onlly one small tear trickle down from her eye while she waited in anticipation of the extraction. Then, the dentist came in calmed her with his confident and quiet voice and she proceeded to have two teeth pulled without any more tears or anxiety. I was so proud of her! It was such a joy to tell her, "Hallie, you were so strong and courageous!"

She taught me so much yesterday. She didn't just recite scripture at the dinner table, but instead she lived out courage. She put her trust in the dentist and let his confident, reassuring words guide her through a new and frightening experience. And, whether she completely understands the Holy Spirit's help, she let the truth of God's word help her to be courageous as well.

I am going to choose to remember God's faithfulness, my daughter's courage and let it remind me to live a life of courage, strength and trust in an unfailing God.