Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Forever my son

Zac came home and into our family forever over a year and a half ago. He plays and fights with his brother and sister, he gets tucked into bed with stories from mom and dad, he receives love and discipline from his mom and dad just like Hallie and Jacob. In other words, he is our son, plain and simple. So, I was caught off guard this week by some comments he made...

When he was mad about a time-out he said, "I am not your son!"

The next morning while snuggling in bed, "Mommy, do you want to keep me forever?"

On our bike ride last night, "Mommy do you always love me, even when I am bad?"

I figured he knew I loved him and that he will always be my son. His comments made me realize that he still has spent more of his life away from us than with us and that he needs to be reminded more often about my love for him as a mommy despite his actions and attitude.

It made me think about the times I have failed as a child of God and wanted to slink away from Him, wondering if He really still loved me. I am reminded that His love NEVER fails. He ALWAYS loves me. He will NEVER leave me. He is mine and I am His!


Carey and Norman said...

Happy Belated 4th Birthday, Zac and 35th Birthday, Ryan!!

It is hard to believe it has been 1 1/2 years since our children came home. It is hard not to think of them always being with us. Thanks for reminding me that I need to make an effort to ensure our daughter knows she is loved and will always be a part of our family!