Monday, October 12, 2009

Multitude Monday

98. My daughter singing The Revelation Song with all her heart at church this Sunday.

99. Thanks pouring out of Zac lately. He thanks me for his new gloves, his new shirt, half of a donut...I've got to think that his thankfulness to me will one day transfer to thankfulness to His Creator.

100. My friend, Becca. She is so quick to see God in everything and tell me about it. She always encourages me and her encouraging voicemail message left me with a smile today.

101. Feeling my muscles fatigue from swimming. I'm grateful for the tearing down and building back up stronger than before. Just like my spiritual life.

102. Medicine for my child's cough.

103. A house full of rooms. As my youngest was coughing last night I was able to move him into another bedroom with a comfy bed so he would not wake his brother. I thought of the families with sick children living in a one room shack. I am thankful for my abundance. I don't understand why it has been lavished on me, but I do know I am thankful.

104. Movie night with the kids. Carefree, fun, family moments.

105. Hope restored, renewed.