Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Shifting Sand

Do you know that song? The chorus says, "My faith is like shifting sand, changed by every wave." I used to not like this song because it seemed so weak. Why confess my faithlessness over and over again? Well, today I get it. My faith is weak. One moment it is rock solid, trusting in God's promises and full of hope. The next minute fear, frustration and doubt, not about God existence but about His involvement in particular situations, sneaks into my thought life.

That's when I remember the next line of the song, "So I stand on grace." His grace, mercy and love sustains me, forgives me and renews my mind with thoughts of hope and belief in Him when I take the time to stop stewing about fear and set my mind on Him. It really is a battle in the mind. Where will I direct my thoughts. One great way I have learned to stop fear and start trusting is to use those moments of frustration and fear as a prompt to pray. Commiting the people and concerns I have to the One that can do something about it is the best thing I can do!

I am challenged by this verse from Zephaniah 1:12, "At that time I (God) will search Jerusalem with lamps and punish those who are complacent, who are like wine left in dregs, who think, 'The Lord will do nothing, either good or bad."

When I pray, I pray to a mighty God. Just because I don't see every move He makes doesn't mean that He isn't moving and loving and intimately involved in the lives of all people. It's arrogance to assume I have to know and understand and see evidence of His actions to know He is acting. When I take fear and turn it into a trusting prayer I am commiting my worries to a powerful God. I do not want to be found complacent when God shines His light on my life.