Sunday, January 18, 2009

Faithfulness Week

This week is dedicated to faithfulness.  Faithfulness can be defined as someone who is thorough in regards to a duty or obligation; true to one's word, promises and vows; loyal and constant; reliable, trusted or believed.  In fact, "the faithful" are considered people who belong to the Christian Church.  Proving myself faithful is key to my witness for Christ.

To me, obvious areas of faithfulness are daily time in God's word and fellowship with Him and faithfulness to my marriage vows.  My heart's desire is not to have the most minimal amount of loyalty that still qualifies as faithful but be excellent in my faithfulness.  So, what does that look like...
...time in God's Word even if I'm tired...self-control to go to bed earlier so I am not tired...loving my husband in sickness, even when he has a cold and is whining (kindness is coming)...enjoying and embracing my role as my husband's helper...being honest and self-controlled about my spending and with our family's budget...

This is only possible by the Spirit and that is what makes daily time with the Lord so important.  

So, how can I show faithfulness in other areas...being reliable at and loyal to my on time to work...consistancy with working out to take care of my body...standing up for God's truth, compassionately, when faced with opposition...staying in touch with friends and praying for them every time they ask...sticking to my word as a white lies...

My prayer is that one day others would see my faithfulness and the faithfulness of all Christian believers and be drawn to the Lord as a result.

3 John 1:3 "It gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth."


Carey and Norman said...

Great post. I've been reading Sacred Marriage and it is a really good book which emphasizes being kind to your spouse even when it is hard to do so. How can you say you love the Lord if you don't show your husband and family this same love? I love the book and it has really helped me spiritually to treat others as Christ would have treated others.