Thursday, January 15, 2009

Self Control Update

It has been so good for me to focus on self-control this week. I realize that so often an extra cookie, driving 65 in a 55 and snapping at one of my kids happens without any thought. Unless I take the time to think about areas I need to have more self control and pray for the Spirit to show and help me I don't even think about it. I can make excuses all day long for why I don't have self control (the other drivers are going that fast, I'm late, the kids are whining all day long, it tastes good...) but the reality is that I am responsible for me. And, it's not all about living a life of drudgery. In fact, there is joy in taking your time, showing love and patience and certainly my body works and feels better, and isn't as tired with less sugary carbs.

And why does this matter anyway? There are many reasons. First of all, living self controlled is a fruit of the Spirit and others are watching to see what kind of fruit a Christian produces. Does it look attractive enough to draw others to Christ? Also, finding excuses for not having self control for little things is a slippery slope to losing self control in bigger matters. And, just like anything in life practice makes us better at something.


Carey and Norman said...

Glad you are doing well! Me, still working on it. Dad had surgery to remove his gallbladder on Tuesday, so I missed aerobics to go to the hospital. Hope to make it to Hip Hop today after work. Doing better cutting back on sweets (ate fruit sprinkled with sugar last night). Speeding...hmm. Not so well. Always running late in the morning. Plus, I feel like a grandma driving the speed limit. Okay...need to work on this one :o)

Sher said...

Preach it sister!! You are on a roll. I think you might of missed your calling!!