Thursday, December 11, 2008


Zachary has turned into the best snuggler! Each morning he comes into our room (sometimes a little too early) with his pillow and asks, "Mama, little snuggle?" Of course I oblige and he crawls up next to me. This morning he snuggled in close, put his arm around me and gave me a kiss. Then he said, "Mama, I love you. You are cute and adorable." How precious is that!! What a great way to start an early day!


Carrie said...

That is an early morning wake up call that you don't mind getting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,

I've been reading quietly for awhile now - checking in on Zac and so encouraged by how it's going. Thankful that you and Ryan were willing to step out, take a risk, and choose to love without any guarantees and with a lot of unknowns.

The morning snuggle - what a precious picture of the perfect place Zac has in your family!

In Christ's Love,
Jennie Thengvall